Had a few more critter shots from MacRitchie. Here are some insects that I found on the way.
This pretty butterfly was spotted together with the Orange Skimmers at the drain. They were drinking and basking at the same time. There were a few more of these butterflies, which I presume are Blue Jays, near the drain. I managed one simple shot of two but they are pretty far apart in the picture.
There were other creatures like this pair of mating beetles.
And a shedded exo-skeleton of a big spider, similar to the ones I see in India.
Apart from these invertebrates, there were lots of squirrels but this time I managed to grab a shot of a Plantain Squirrel as it jumped toward us.
And finally there was a baby Malayan Water Monitor trying to take shelter in a tree hole near the exit. This ended our journey too. It was as if the monitor was there saying "Goodbye for now! Come back soon!" Well of course I'll be back soon.