So where was I? Of course, searching for scorpions. I looked around and under every single rock and pile of rocks, and eventually managed to spot a pair underneath a huge rock. One big one measuring about 12cm and one little one, around 5cm. Here's the fully grown adult. I can't tell if its a He or a She, however.
I had it placed ontop of the rock for some open shots.
Here's the juvenile, which immediately fled the scene upon realizing it had been discovered. Have a look at it's striking position. Pincirs and sting, ready to attack.
They usually stay as a family, about 6-15 young ones, accompanied by the mother. I have in fact seen about 5-6 such families before, but didn't really bother taking photos as they are very common and I've seen them and posted about them before. All you have to do is pile up a few ten rocks and leave it there for a month or two. By then, a family of scorpions would have made it their home.
PS please do not do try this alone. Although I'm just 16, I've had enough experience to handle these venomous creatures. Their venom is extremely dangerous and sometimes even fatal! If you are to spot a scorpion, keep a good distance, take a few shots and leave it there alone. No scorpions have been harmed in the process, only rehabitated.