Monday, October 26, 2009

Yawn... It's A Brand New Morning

Yawn... I woke up at about 8.30 in the morning and then realised that I was not in Singapore. I was filled with excitement as I wondered what i was going to spot and photograph these days. I went downstairs and sat in the sit-out for a while before getting my camera out for some photo shoot. As I got into the front yard I was greeted by my busy dogs who were trying to sniff out rats from a burrow. I let them do their job while I tried shooting some flowers and greenery.
I then spent some time trying to photograph this lynx spider that always hid from me.
I gave up on the lynx and spotted another small and common spider on another plant. While I played peek-a-boo with it I took some shots of it too.
Very soon I got tired and thought that I should get more sleep after my arrival. So I got in and tucked myself back into bed. Zzzzzz.....

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