Thursday, February 24, 2011

Malayan Giant Terrapin

My friend and I were busying ourselves with a pair of tiny bugs when we heard a tiny splash of water. We looked nearby and noticed a stream with a bridge along the way. When we looked down, this was what we saw.

Yes, a really large turtle. It was later identified as a Malayan Giant Terrapin. It was huge, in fact, more than a metre long. Here's a photograph to illustrate its size.

This was the first time I was seeing a turtle/terrapin in these reserves. And yet this was such a large one. We continued snapping more pictures so as to help ourselves with identification. Thank you tHE tiDE cHAsER ( for the help with identification!

There was another turtle too, a smaller one. However, it was too far away for us to get a clear shot.


Ron Yeo said...

Hey! Looks like a Malayan Giant Terrapin (Orlitia borneensis)! An introduced species in Singapore though.

adrielleroyale said...

What a patient subject! He looks like he was posing for you!

Shawn said...

Hi Tidechaser, thanks a lot for the info!
Thanks Adrielle! Indeed he was looking up at us, wondering what we were doing!

Anonymous said...


Excellent imagss. May be we saw the same species.



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