Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Tiny Toad

The days went on and on with no life. I had been photographing Dragonflies whenever I see them but I'm still collecting all my best pieces. In the School's CTW, the Asian Toad Tadpoles had started developing into toads. I chanced upon something like a cricket hopping around the leaf litter next to the CTW one day. My friend said 'frog' when he saw it but I corrected him saying it was a cricket, only to find myself in the wrong side when I saw what it exactly was.
I had a hard time trying to shoot this creature as it was very tiny and always hopped away when I'm all ready to take a snap. In the end I managed to get these shots...
This shows that the toads will soon multiply and our school's pond and CTW will be repopulated with them like it was a year ago. That may mean less dragonflies and other insects, since these taods may prey on them.

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