Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Zoomed In and Cropped

I started off the very next day with a slight fever and cough. I had no idea on what to do but I knew that the front garden should hold some interesting insects. During my break I headed off towards the garden to see what I could find. Well, I spotted a whole lot of extremely tiny insects on the plants. I never expected to find so many insects with such a small size. Here they are. First insect I chanced upon was this tiny moth that sits and rests like a treehopper.
I spotted another one of the same kind on another plant too.
There were quite a number of tiny ladybugs too.
A Tiger Moth, also called the Day-Flying Moth as they are active during the day.
Tiny Spiders. This particular one was extremely small yet very colourful.
The other spider was a different species, and it was actually translucent! You could actually see the leaf through it! It was a very shy and tiny spider too.
Several green flies were flying around. They do look similar to mosquitos.
Finally a very tiny and weird-looking fly with stripes on its wings and a sucking mouthpart, similar to the common housefly.
I had to crop every single one of my images here, or else these creatures would not have been visible at all. They were that tiny.

1 comment:

Wong Chun Xing said...

The last 2 flies are Long-legged Fly (Dolichopodidae) and True fruitflies (tephritidae) respectively.


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