Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dragonflies added to Favourites

I had been chasing dragonflies in the CTW shortly after my lessons, when it was raining very heavily. As soon as the sun was back in the sky, the dragonflies were out basking too. I crept up to a few to shoot them. I tried with flash again this time, but not for long once I noticed the not-so-good effects. Check out this shot.
Some shots taken from the front. Flash was still on and hance a bit of the eye is claer, but not perfect yet.
I have a sudden liking for dragonflies nowadays. Part of it is due to my Dragonfly Project, and another part is due to my own personal interest. Now whenever I see a new dragonfly species, I'm as excited as I am when spot a snake! Well here are a few sots I took without flash. The dragonfly seemed to have given me good poses to shoot.
I've got another shot of the dragonfly, this time it was standing almost fully vertically, causing me to tilt my camera the other way to shoot it.


Shirls said...

Shawn, your shots aren't bad just have patience.

Shawn said...

Thanks Shirls!
I'm trying my best to stay focused and shoot these creatures.


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