Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hide and Seek

I was still hunting around the stream, when my Sisters moved furthur away to see an eagle hover in the sky. I examined a tree trunk. I didn't see anything until I noticed a few tiny green legs appear before me. My initial thought was a stick insect. And it was! I turned around and so did it. I got a first shot of it hiding behind the end of a dead leaf. It was hiding now...
And soon I manged to get around and capture a shot of it with its full body in the image.
After having sensed that it has been spotted, it immediately climbed up the dead leaf and onto the tree, and slowly slipped underneath a green leaf, hoping to stay camouflaged. But I knew where it was, so I slowly creeped under the leaf and took a shot.
And as I walked past a huge rock on the way back, I spotted another one walking away into the bushes. It was slightly bigger than the previous one and was brown in colour. Since it was rather fast, I could not get such a clear image. You should be able to spot it.
An exciting day to be. Frogs, Sticks Insects, Crabs, how better could it be? Well I still had a trip up to the highest mountain that day. Wait for the next post.

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