Sunday, November 15, 2009

Black-Tipped Forest Glory

The stream is not just home to the Blue Bush Darts, they are also home to another species of damselfly. This one is not as tiny as the Bush darts, however. The Black-Tipped Forest Glories can reach up to the size of your palm. Unlike the other damselflies, these ones were not obedient at all. Though they were the biggest and the prettiest, I was not satisfied at all with me shots.
These are the best shots I've managed to grab. There is an interesting behaviour of this damselfly that I'd like to tell. When someone walks close-by without stopping or looking at it, it stays there without flying away, even if we are only an inch away from it. On the other hand, if someone walks about 10 feet away and stops to look at it, it will fly off immediately. These damselflies seem to know when people are taking notice of them. Well that's exactly why I couldn't get many shots.
A best close-up I've managed (cropped):
Shot from the back:
The first and last photographs here were taken when the creature was feeding on its prey. It didn't take much notice of me as it was engrossed in eating its food, so I lowly got to take a few shots of it.

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