Friday, January 23, 2009

A Curly yet Venomous Moustache

It was finally the start of my 5th Day. Feeling rather moody, I decided to sit outside and enjoy the cold breeze. As I walked slowly looking around for some creatures, I spotted something like a very tiny Pink Headed Reed Snake. But it wasn't. It was a Centipede with Red Heads and Tails, and to my plaesure, it stayed where it was when I moved closer to photograph it. I hardly get chances to photograph centipedes as they are too fast moving.
These centipedes are common in my area but there used to be Giant Centipedes here too. There was once on my last visit when my female dog, Tiky, was curiously looking at something moving in the dark. When I shined the torch at it and looked, it was an giant centipede coloured in white, black, red and yellow. But the one I have found here is so common that I had myself giving it to my chicken who happily gobbled it up.

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