Saturday, March 7, 2009

Many-Legged Invertebrates

Common Creatures I have in this post. Just a few mminutes after having a nap I lifted up a decomposing leaf to find a big pointed-tailed millipede curled up in the soil. They are very common but they may secrete a liquid very smelly and itchy when threatened. Lucky for me, it didn't need to do use its defence.
I was once again forced to photograph a caterpillar that was filled with wasp eggs on its back. I pitied the poor animal as it didn't know about its future. Well, I can do nothing as thats the way of life...
Last many-legged animal I saw within that few hours: A Pill Millipede. I tried waiting for it to unnroll itself but it didn't do so for minutes. So I gave in and left it where it was.

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